
Rules and regulations to be followed by the students:

1. Students must come to the college in college uniform only as instructed by the institute.

2. All male students are expected to wear full pants, full sleeve shirts and formal pair of black shoes. Women students are expected wear full pant, full sleeve shirts/ salwar kameez and formal pair of black shoes or pump shoes.

3. Students should not bring discredit to the college or to themselves in any form. Indiscipline, misbehaviour or disobedience of any kind towards fellow students, seniors, staff or faculty members inside or outside the college will be severely dealt with.

4. Students should be regular and punctual in attending the classes and all activities connected with the college. No student will be allowed to enter the classroom or leave the class room during class hours without the permission of the concerned HoD or the Principal.

5. The students should stand up and wish the teacher when he/she enters the class. They should take their seats only after the teacher takes his/her seat or instructs the students to do so.

6. They should wish all the teachers irrespective of their departments.

7. Strict silence should be maintained during class hours in the Classrooms, Library, Laboratory, Examination halls and in the College premises.

8. Use of electronic gadgets not approved by the principal will not be permitted in the college campus.

9. Anything found inside the classroom or college premises like books, notebooks, mobile phone, money purse, umbrella etc. without their legitimate claimant should be brought to the college office and should be submitted to the Administrative Officer.

10. Students are expected to take care of the college property and help in keeping the premises neat and clean. Disfiguring of walls, doors or breaking furnitures, electrical devices like fans, light bulbs etc. is a breach of discipline and will not be tolerated.

11. Students are strictly prohibited from organizing any meeting in the college premises or collecting money for any purpose without the permission of the Principal.

12. Students are not permitted to entertain any visitor inside the college during the college working hours.

13. Student should not enter the office room, staff room or laboratories without permission.

14. Internal Examinations and class tests are part of the curriculum and student should be sincere in taking these tests. They should not indulge in any kind of malpractice during examinations or tests.

15. Eve-teasing is strictly prohibited & eve-teasers will be dismissed from the college. Whoever commits or participated or abets in eve-teasing, in or within the premises of institution, is liable for strict disciplinary action and/or shall be liable to a fine which may extend to Rs.10000 (Rupees ten thousand only).

16. Ragging in any form inside or outside the college campus and hostel is banned. Senior students found indulging in ragging junior students will be outrightly rusticated from the institution.

17. According to guidelines provided by U.G.C. and university, students found guilty of participating or influencing in ragging will be subject to severe punishment ranging from cancellation of admission to a fine up to Rs.25000 (Rupees twenty five thousand only) and rigorous imprisonment up to 3 years.

18. Students must abide by the rules and regulations in force as well as other rules prescribed by the college from time to time.

19. Students who do not follow the college rules and regulations will be expelled from the college.

20. Students coming by two wheelers are instructed to wear helmet. They should posses a valid driving license. The vehicle must be parked in the allotted space only.